What if I told you that I have a fool-proof plan that will ensure you get everything you could ever want in life? And what if that plan was free of charge and available to you at any given moment of the day?
Would you be interested in learning more about it? If you’re anything like most people then the answer would be yes.
So, without further ado, here’s the perfect personal growth and/or professional development program that was designed by God himself.
‘Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all you ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5,6)
Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart
It sounds easy enough. But is it truly easy? The answer is both yes and no.
Yes, it really is that simple. No, it’s not easy to do consistently.
Simply trust in the Lord with all your heart, rather than your own humanity ingenuity and limited understanding. Do this and you’ll have everything you want out of life.
3 Steps for Getting Your Paths Straight
1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. To trust is to exercise common faith in God, but it’s even more than that. It means to put your stock in God. To believe with full confidence in the Lord and his resources. You lean on him, believe in him, and live for his glory. Your heart is your understanding, your thoughts. It further encompasses your intellect and decisions.
2. Lean not on your own understanding. This further defines what it means to trust in the Lord with all your heart. You can’t trust in the Lord will all you heart if you’re also trusting in yourself. God sits on the throne…alone…and there’s not enough room for you as well. God has infinite access to more data, information, resources, time, and experience. There’s no way we can (or should) ever compete with him, so don’t try to.
3. In all your ways acknowledge him. Not some or many or most of your ways. All ways is the key. In your life, your work, your marriage, your parenting, your ministry, your education, your finances, your politics, your ________ (you fill in the blank). Before you put our hands to a task, ask God what he thinks about your pursuit. Ask him for guidance, for strength, and for success. Ask him to pivot your direction and momentum if you’re off the proper path. Place all your plans, pursuits, goals, dreams, and hopes at his throne and request his blessing before you even begin, let alone go any further.
Once you have these three prerequisites under control, God will do the rest. He will direct your paths. He’ll move you in the right direction. No worries. God will take care of you!
Focus on him. Focus on his glory. Focus your trust in the Lord with all your heart.
And then… “He shall direct your paths.”
Isn’t that awesome?
It is both that challenging and that simple. What’s stopping you from being able to trust in the Lord with all your heart?
QUESTION: What did God do in your life the last time you placed your trust in the Lord with all your heart?
Photo Credit: frozenhaddock via Compfight cc
I was left off a schedule to sing at our church. I felt down, thinking possible favoritism. Stopped, after I complained to a friend. Caught what I was saying and thinking and said “Christ knows what is going to happen better than I do” so, changed that statement to “there is a reason, I am not aware of, He is in charge and there must be a good reason I was not put on to sing. Well some important family issues arose during that time.
I really try to continue to keep that in mind more. He has a reason for everything. As I get older I feel I am getting wiser through trial and error. GOD is good. We just need to listen to him more
That’s a great thing to remember, Diane!
God’s ways and plans are better than our ways, and he doesn’t gather our counsel first before implementing his ways. There is always a reason for things that happen, and even if other people do things in order to harm us, God will bring about good from it all.
Thanks for sharing!
The way you explain trusting in God and leaning on him is very practical. I will start trusting God more, cos my life right now doesnt seem like much and i need HUGE changes in several areas- spiritually, career, financially.
Thanks for this post.
God bless.
Just to add that i feel God has been speaking to me about TRUST and LEANING ON HIM since this week started, i just read Jeremiah 17:7-8 yesterday.
Your post sheds new light on how to go about this whole “TRUST” business.
Thanks once again.