Headlines That Convert
Think about this for a moment (as we consider headlines that convert)…
When you last strolled aimlessly through the aisles of Barnes & Noble (sipping your iced coffee), what stimulus caused you to pick up a random book from off the shelf? Some people choose randomly based upon the colorful exterior design. Others snatch it up because the title sparked a flame of insatiable curiosity.
What about you?
When you held that book, you probably glanced at the author’s name, wondering if you’d ever heard of her. It’s likely you then opened the front cover to find out a bit more about what’s inside. Then, you opened the back cover to learn about the mysterious author, such as why she wrote it, her credentials, where she lives, why she got a book deal and you haven’t yet, etc.
Ultimately, there was a reason that book—of all the 1,000’s of books clamoring for your attention—interested you in the first place.
It is that initial interest that I want to focus on in this article.
I want to teach you how to get traffic to your blog. There are proven ways for turning the average “visitor” into an avid follower of your blogging tribe.
You see, the same thing occurs with blogs that occur with books for sale at B&N. What do I mean, exactly? Here’s what I mean.
- Most people won’t read your article, but they’ll glance at your blog title.
- Most people won’t read your article, but they may scan your sub-headings.
- Most of your Twitter followers won’t click the link in your tweet, but they’ll wonder what it is about.
- Most of your Facebook fans won’t click that link to your latest blog post.
And so the question any newbie blogger must ask himself or herself is this: Why is no one bothering to read what I blog about?
Why don’t people click your social media links? Why don’t they visit your blog? Why don’t they actually read your articles?
Answer: Because they’re bored. Bored. Bored. Bored!!!
There is a lot of noise around the blogosphere, in case you didn’t know. Why would someone read your articles when they can go read what Mr. Famous has to say? People only have so much time to spend reading things on the internet, so you have to fight for their attention.
Or rather, you need to give them a very, very, very good reason to actually click that link and spend the next five minutes of their life reading your article!
How you accomplish that is simpler than you can imagine. It is something I am personally still learning myself, because I was a failure at it in the past. I am learning, however, and I’ve experienced tremendous results on my Church blog over the past months.
You need to create fascinating, attention-snatching, mind-grabbing, minute-hoarding HEADLINES for both your articles and your social media tweets!
Yes, that’s it. Create headlines that convert lookers into readers! Create the greatest headlines your blogger’s mind can fathom, and then watch the readers show up one by one (and actually leave comments after your posts).
Readers are mainly selfish. We are, sorry to say. We don’t care so much about you, as much as we care what you can do for us. Reading is about me. It is about us, the reader. It’s about the reader, not you (the blogger). Once you–the blogger—understand that basic shift in your art, everything will change for the better.
Readers are curious and want to know what’s in it for them. They want to learn, to be amazed, to dream, and to get shocked! They want you to answer a question they have, solve their problem, and scratch curiosity’s itch. How you do that is with mind-blowing titles and headlines on both your blog and in your social media blurbs.
It really is that simple.
[stextbox id=”custom”]Here are three…count ’em!…three attention-snatching ways to create killer headlines that convert and are designed to grab your reader’s attention and never, ever let go. (Examples are listed under each one.)[/stextbox]
REASON. Give your readers a “reason” to click your link and read your article. Reason with them, if you will.
- 5 Financially-Sound Reasons Your Husband Needs To Buy You That 3-Karat Diamond Ring…Today!
- 3 Healthy Reasons Why You Should Eat As Much Chocolate As You Want
- 7 Debt-Free Reasons Why You Should Pursue The Job Of Your Dreams
SECRETIVE. Tell your readers a secret. Everyone wants to be “in the know.” Didn’t you know that?
- The Secret To Publishing A Successful Ebook That People Will Buy
- 3 Secrets Your Momma Didn’t Tell You About Why Nobody Reads Your Blog
- The Secret To Living Successfully & Becoming The Leader You Were Born To Be
HOW TO. Create a guide of “How To” do something. People are always looking for better ways to do things.
- How To Write A Best-Selling Novel In 30 Days Or Less
- How To Find The Wife Of Your Dreams (And Get Her to Marry You!)
- How To Teach Your Children To Love One Another (And Pick Up Their Clothes, Too!)
So, what do you think? Can you create titles, links, and headlines that convert like these? Of course you can! If you begin today, and do it consistently over the course of a week or two, I truly believe that you’ll be flabbergasted by the positive results. At least I have.
That is definitely how to get traffic to your blog (and turn people into readers!)
What Should You Do Next? Allow Me To Suggest Two Things:
- Leave a brief comment or suggestion below and let me know what you think about this article, whether good, bad or otherwise.
- Look down. See those social sharers? Would you mind tweeting, sharing or “liking” it to your social media followers? (You’re awesome, thanks!)
* Image credit: Big D2112 (Creative Commons)
What articles have you written (or tweets you have tweeted) that generated the most traffic on your blog? Tell us all about it, and PROVIDE A LINK to that the article itself. I want to read it!