You were created for greatness. Anything less than the good life is totally unacceptable. Greatness is the only option at this point. Think about what the good life really means by considering the following…
You were created by Greatness Himself, in the likeness of Greatness, in order to live a great life. What’s stopping you?
Don’t Settle For Anything Less Than A Good Life
What do you think about that above quote? Well, it’s true. But do we tend to believe it? Do we live our lives expecting great things to happen around us. Do you plan for the good life, to live victoriously, or strategize like a mature leader ought to? I hope you do, but…
But most people don’t.
Most of us aren’t expecting greatness. In fact, too many of us are expecting negative results and failure after failure after failure. Moreover, too many people are satisfied with mediocrity. There are a lot of Plain Jane’s walking around. Neither great nor pathetic, but certainly not remarkable. At least maybe not yet.
Is that at all acceptable to you? I sure hope not. Frankly, if you’re reading this, then you need to know that you have the potential for so much more. You can live the good life. There is an untapped arsenal of greatness that needs to be uncapped and set loose. After all, that’s why we’re still breathing right now. God isn’t finished with you yet.
We are here on planet Earth to do great things, to achieve great things, and to have our words, thoughts, and deeds point back to the Great One who alone deserves the praise.
How can we become people who display greatness more often?
I believe we can do this in three primary ways.
The fact of the matter is that negative thoughts lead to negative emotions which lead to negative living. The result is a sewer full of negativity. You won’t achieve the good life swimming in that sewer. To do so would be a waste of time. What can you do about it? Try focusing first on the desired end-result, rather than all the what if’s. Focus on the reasons why you will succeed rather than the reasons why you might fail. How can you best do that? Answer: Change your outlook.
- Stop looking at the obstacles around you as being impossible to scale.
- Focus on the positives and let those things fill your mind.
- Focus on truth. Don’t lie to yourself, but remain focused on things that are true and helpful.
Let’s face it. Some people seem to only feel good about themselves when they’re putting other people down. Those people are social cancers. Trolls. It is strange, but there are many grown adults who haven’t yet graduated from the elementary school yard when it comes to maturity. They’re childish. Maybe they laugh, or point the finger, or even gossip about you behind your back. My advice? Ignore them. They are stuck drowning in the mire of mediocrity, the sewer of negativity. Ignore them and move on.
What should you do when you skin your knee? Clean it out and medicate it. Be thorough about the process. What should you do if you have some negative peers who only ever pull you down? Clean them out (stop associating with them) and medicate your relationships (add positive people). Did you know that studies prove that positive, happy, and energetic people get hired after job interviews far more often than boring, depressed, and slothful people do? Go figure. Remove the negative influences and add positive influences to your life.
[stextbox id=”revealed”]In summary, it really is that easy. To achieve the good life you may need to change your outlook on life. To achieve greatness you need to ignore the negativity that is often hurled your way. To achieve greatness you need to remove negative people from your social circles and replace them with people who want to build you up. So, what are you waiting for? Get started, today![/stextbox]
QUESTION: Everyone defines the “good life” differently. What would be the definition of a good life for you, and what can you do today to help you move toward it? Click here to leave a comment below.
* Image credit: modenadude (Creative Commons)
Everyone defines the “good life” differently. What would be the definition of a good life for you, and what can you do today to help you move toward it?