Motivational Tips That Truly Work
Your life matters. What you do is important. Get motivated and crush it!
I know, you’re an extremely busy person. I get that. Most of the rest of us humans are that way, too.
Your days are filled with meetings, family issues, deadlines, and many other uncontrollable variables which demand your immediate attention. All that leaves very little time for rest or relaxation or reflection.
We’re all strapped for time. “24/7” is the speed at which most of us travel today. It’s often difficult to find a moment to sit and just enjoy the peace and quiet. Instead, we push and pull until we burn out from the effects of this thing called life.
Is that where you are at in life right now?
Well, I’ve got great news for you! There is a simpler way to be victorious in your days while doing it with relaxation, rather than being stressed out.
Here are 8 Motivational Tips for Living a More Relaxed and Peaceful Life.
1. Develop a Consistent Morning Routine
This is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Let me repeat: THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS YOU CAN DO FOR YOURSELF!
Developing a morning routine often involves waking early in order to spend an extended period of time focusing on personal development exercises to empower your day. Personally, I now wake up at 5:00 am to start my day. Do this consistently for a couple of weeks and you’ll have developed a profitable habit for your future.
2. Pray
Don’t start your morning checking your email, your social media stats, or even scanning the sports or world news headlines. Prayer is dependence on God and that is the very best way to begin each and every day. Communicate with God. Listen, and then let all your requests be made known to him.
3. Exercise
I can’t stress this one enough. If you don’t make a consistent pattern in your schedule for exercise, you won’t exercise. Period. You’ll get fatter, unhealthier, and your clothes will miraculously shrink and tighten on your bulging frame. The sad result is that you’ll become weak, tired, and with no way to release the energy that your body needs to release. Muscles need to be worked, hearts need to be worked, and exercise is a gift given to humanity. Do it!
4. Stretch
I love stretching. Even if I’m not able to exercise like I want on a given day, I will always find time to stretch. The stress and tension we experience in our day-to-day lives often show up in our bodies in the form of tense muscles. Stretching will help alleviate the stress in your life.
5. Go for a Run or Power Walk
I love going on my morning run/walk. I’m not a very good runner so I will walk a few blocks and then run a few blocks. Moreover, I usually walk at a fast pace. I’m not a power-walker, by any means, but a fast pace while walking is very, very, very good for you. And one of the reasons I enjoy walking early in the mornings is because people can’t see me “power-walking” in the morning darkness. LOL
6. Meditate on Success
You are more of what you think than you are of what you don’t think. Meditate on things that are true. Think on things which are positive, not negative. Lift your mind up by reciting Scripture, or great motivational quotes, or listen to an inspiring podcast while exercising. As of today, I’m forty years old. (I know, crazy, right?) And I never listen to the radio any more. I only ever listen to podcasts. Even while I drive. I love listening to podcasts, because I can listen on-demand and I have access to the entire iTunes library at my fingertips.
7. Journal
I must confess, I don’t personally keep a journal. But I do know some people who do journal daily and they swear it has made a profound difference in their lives. Write about what’s happening to you right now. Don’t worry about writing a literary masterpiece. Simply write your thoughts and feelings, and then add what you plan to do about those thoughts and feelings. Go back after a few months to see what you’ve written and find out if your life has been progressing like you hoped (planned!) it would.
8. Stop Procrastinating
Break out of the status quo. If you have an idea for a business, a ministry, or anything that you feel will be a benefit to yourself or other people, get on it! The best time to start something new was yesterday. The second best time is today. A week from today, you’ll regret not having started. I guarantee it. Stop procrastinating and start your project today!
So there are my 8 Motivational Tips for Living a More Relaxed and Peaceful Life. Enjoy!
QUESTION: If you can think of any other great motivational tips, leave it in the comments section below. And be sure to share this article below with your friends and followers on social media!
Check out this great article by @charlesspecht on how to live a relaxed and more peaceful life!
I love this list. Simple. Yet profound. My wife and I have had a lot of discussion lately on #1. I believe that an inserted #2 would be to develop a consistent Evening Routine. Almost like a bedtime ritual (as my wife would call it!)
This is crucial to a steady sleep pattern, and the evening time is when many folks do their devotions/journaling. Taking a break from screen-time (maybe stopping 20-30 minutes before bed) is also a good idea for an evening routine!
Thanks Rick. God bless!
Great tips and real. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Charles,
Thanks so much for these 8 life changing motivational tips.
Hello Charles, a wonderful article indeed.
I love the simplicity and overall display of your blog.