I like to follow the sort of people who practically ooze with leadership qualities. I need these people to help me get to where I want to be in life.
Are you the kind of person who possesses the type of leadership qualities I’ve outlined below?
We…your followers…certainly hope so.
Leadership Qualities That Impress Me
Leaders dig trenches. They don’t simply follow the path placed before them, they challenge the status quo. This is both necessary and refreshing. If you don’t do this for your followers, we’ll find someone else to lead us.
Leaders create. They create a culture around their goal and invite us into that culture. If you’re not involving us in the program then you’re not leading us. Period.
Leaders are curious like cats. Leaders have an extraordinary amount of curiosity for the cause and the people they’re trying to influence.
Are you curious?
Leaders are charismatic. Not necessarily on a stage or on television screens, but they use charisma to attract and motivate followers. Followers like me.
Leaders tell other people their secrets. They communicate their vision of the future to us. We want to know where you’re going, and that’s why we’re following you.
Leaders take action. They commit to a vision and make decisions based on that commitment and they don’t stop until the victory is won. We want to win, not lose. There are enough people in our circles who waffle around, achieving only mediocrity. We long for something greater than that.
Do you have it?
Leaders make connections. They connect their followers to one another and introduce them to both the cause and the solution. Please don’t tie a blindfold over our eyes. We want to see where we’re going and who is steering the ship. It is important to us.
Is it important to you?
It turns out that leaders aren’t perfect and that’s why we want to follow you. If you were perfect, most people would probably despise you for it. People might point their fingers at you, talk behind your back, and slander you to others around the community. Well, isn’t that what we all too often do to the people who are so much better at everything than we are? I’m certainly not saying that doing so is acceptable or even moral, but it is usually the case. No, we want leaders who know they don’t have it all figured out, are willing to be open about it and share that message with us, but also have a plan for getting us all where we need to go.
Are you perfect?
If you’re not then maybe you’re exactly the sort of person I want to follow. But do you know where you’re going? Now that’s a great question.
If you consider the leaders in your church, your business, or your community, you’ll see that every one of them uses some combination of what I’ve described above. You don’t have to be beautiful or rich or powerful to be my leader. You do, however, need to hold my hand and never, ever let go.
Are you willing to lead us like that?
QUESTION: What are some leadership qualities that you look for in the people you follow? (leave a comment below)
Photo Credit: pedrosimoes7 via Compfight cc
What are some leadership qualities that you look for in the people you follow?
1) Those who truly have a heart for Christ; who He is and what He represents. They move deliberately to pursue Christ. 2) Those who ooze (I love that word picture) authenticity. They don’t have to be embarrassingly transparent – but they certainly aren’t deceptive.
“ooze authenticity” – love that!