Whether you’re young or old, black or white, rich or poor, smart or dumb, you have the seeds of greatness in you.
In many of us, the branches are strong, the leaves are blooming, and the fruit is abundant. In many others, the seed is growing and the buds of ambition are just beginning to show their heads. In still others of us, however, the seed is dormant. The entrepreneurial lifestyle within is all but dead.
Why is that?
Whether you’re interested in building your tribe, influencing the people around you, personal growth, or simply trying to build an organization, the people all around you need to hear YOUR voice. We need you to speak. We need you to act. We are wanting to follow you.
Are you ready to lead us?
An Entrepreneurial Opportunity
Below is a video that you simply must watch. It’s only three minutes long, and well worth it. It’s about getting off our rear ends and getting to work. All leaders need motivation from time to time. If it was easy then everyone would be doing it.
Sometimes we need cheerleaders, mentors, and true friends. I’m not very good at baking, but I do know one thing: An ounce of encouragement tastes sweeter than a cup of sarcasm. (Worth the tweet?)
Positive influence breeds productivity. I’m convinced of it. Our influence spreads when we’re positive about the future. Negative thoughts lead to negative actions. Repulse negativity whenever you can!
How can you live the productive entrepreneurial lifestyle? Answer: By focusing on the opportunities in front of you and not on the obstacles around you.
Obstacles trip us up. Opportunities, on the other hand, are the gateways to greatness. Enter through the gates of opportunity and seize the reward. It’s ready for the taking, and you deserve it!
What are you waiting for?
An Entrepreneurial Pep Talk
Watch the following video, comment below, and be encouraged. If nothing else, it’ll put a smile on your face, lift you up, and set you on the right course.
QUESTION: What opportunity have you been considering lately but you haven’t yet pulled the trigger on? Click here to leave a comment below.
* Image credit: Scholastic Inc. (Creative Commons)
What opportunity have you been considering lately but you haven’t yet pulled the trigger on?