And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 24:43)
The Thief on the Cross
Murderer. Blasphemer. Liar. Hater. Robber. Sinner.
The cruel man had many titles, many words to describe his unholy character, his behavior, his reputation. He is known in the Bible to many of us as the thief on the cross.
Yet he still received grace.
But why?
Isn’t that unfair?
Why him?
Why save a filthy wretch who was getting what he deserved? Why would God extend the olive branch of forgiveness toward a man who–only moments before–felt justified in hurling insults and accusations and jokes at God-incarnate?
Even the robbers who were crucified with Him reviled Him with the same thing.” (Matthew 27:44)
Why? Oh…why, indeed!
What had the thief on the cross done to warrant assistance? Who is he to beg for forgiveness? What right does he have to pray?
Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:39-43)
Do you really want to know why?
Why should God so freely save the thief on the cross? Answer: Because the thief on the cross is you!
The Thief on the Cross is You
Yes, he is you. The thief on the cross is everyone.
The thief has the same right to pray as you do, to beg for mercy, as you do, and to plead for forgiveness, as you have done.
I’m the murderer, the blasphemer, the thief on the cross. And so are you.
Naked, exposed, estranged. We, like the thief on the cross, have one more prayer so long as the breath of life runs through our lungs.
And we, like the thief…pray.
And we, like the thief…have received the overwhelming, undeserved, matchless grace of God!
He went to the cross a liar, a murderer, and a thief. Before his legs were broken, he ended up a saint. He was taken down from the cross and buried in the dirt. And when God comes back to take us all home to glory, that thief on the cross will meet him in the clouds with you.
That is the power of God’s grace!
Charles this is what is called WALKING WITH GOD’S SPIRIT. when we walk with him then every day his word gives us new meaning, new revelation, new insight. every time you send me emails when I read them I find holy ghost there in the words from you. I am also a writer I do write a lot about our spiritual and flesh life, this is what I see in you A NEW WINE. NEW MIND. GREAT SPIRIT LISTENER. MAY GOD BLESS YOU BROTHER. I DO LOVE WHAT YOU GIVE OUT TO THE WORLD. BLESS YOU.
Thanks so much for that encouragement! God bless you.
Thanks Charles
You’re welcome!
Amen… & thank GOD!!!! Otherwise, we have nothing to look forward to-none of us!
Indeed, that’s the truth! God bless!
That was a timely word. There is no such thing as “He will never get saved” or “There’s no hope for her” – with God all things are possible – it can happen “as long as there is breath left in our lungs. ” Please pray for my Dad and his wife.
still thinking for this verse as today we are remembering that He was still fighting down there in hell for us, so that He brings us the keys. who can resist God’s love?? who can say no to the one who shows so much love, care and consideration like Jesus!!??? definitely none. have you ever thought of this??:people are condemning you, they call you all kinds of cursed names yet only one comforts you, hug you and whispering into your ears I love you the way you are, it’s the same love that I had for you yesterday I do have it today and tomorrow onward, no matter what you did I still love you the same!!!! whoa we condemn ourselves bow and then still he writes on the earth surface and tells us I DON’T CONDEMN YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. Eish God give us strength to love you the way we are supposed to.
God will continue to strengthen you to do the good work you are doing. God bless you