This is the third in a series of posts regarding questions I have answered for churches searching for a pastor. Since the last post regarding divorce & remarriage started a little buzz, I thought it would make sense to outline the Scriptural qualifications for church leadership, in this case, a pastor.
Here is the question asked by the church, and below that is the answer I provided. Let me know what you think about this issue and my answer. Am I right? Have I missed anything? Am I wrong? Am I a heretic? Please do tell…
Succinctly state your position regarding the biblical qualifications for the position of pastor. Include your interpretation and application of the scripture references you cite.
MY POSITION: There are two biblical offices in the local church (Pastor and Deacon), both of which are chosen by the congregation. Scripture uses the term pastor, elder, overseer, and bishop interchangeably to refer to one position (c.f. Pilippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-5). These four terms indicate various features of leadership ministry, not varying levels of authority or separate offices. The pastor (along with the servicing leadership of the deacons) provides spiritual and theological leadership in order to equip and build up the church. As spiritual shepherds of the local church, pastors serve in developing (not dictating) church policy along with congregational input and affirmation (c.f. Acts 15:1-29); oversee the church (Acts 20:28); rule, teach, and preach (1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:12); exhort and refute (Titus 1:9); and set the example as to what it means to shepherd the church (1 Peter 5:1-3). The pastor provides spiritual oversight, theological direction and leadership, and is held accountable by the Elder Board, the church congregation in general and, ultimately, God Himself.
The apostle Paul wrote in his epistle to the Ephesians that Christ gave gifts to the church, one of which is gifted men—specifically pastors. Paul wrote, “And He Himself gave…some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ…” (Ephesians 4:12). In Acts 20:17-38, the apostle Paul met with the elders from Ephesus and instructed them, “Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood” (vs.28). The apostle Peter wrote, “The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away” (1 Peter 5:1-4).
Pastors are men (not women) who provide spiritual leadership and theological guidance to the assembly of believers. One of the primary means in which pastors do this is to preach and teach the Bible. Through their pastoral ministry, elders serve God and the flock not as CEO’s but as shepherds, doing so following the example of the Chief Shepherd. It is the function and responsibility of the local church congregation to receive this pastoral service/leadership as from God and to submit to those who lead the church as pastors/elders/overseers. For example, after exhorting elders to shepherd the flock among them, Peter then wrote, “Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders” (1 Peter 5:5). Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake” (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13). The writer to the Hebrews wrote, “Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct” (Hebrews 13:7). The writer then further exhorted the church to “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you” (Hebrews 13:17).
The main passages outlining the qualifications of a pastor/elder/overseer/bishop are found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9; both of which are nearly identical lists. The qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 (NKJV) entail the following:
1) “any man” – A pastor is to be a man, not a woman (“Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” 1 Timothy 2:11-12).
2) “desires the position” – Two different Greek words are used to refer to this desire/aspire attitude (the second word is found in #3 below). This first Greek word for “desires” refers to external action and involves pursuing tangible things in order to be found qualified for this office.
3) “desires a good work” – This second Greek word for “desires” refers to the inward motivation/desire a man must have in order to be qualified for this office. He must internally desire the office and not merely be nominated by others for the office.
4) “must be blameless” – The words “must be” are included, stressing the fact that what follows is absolutely necessary. Being “blameless” (“above reproach”) literally means “not to be held” in a criminal sense. This is the most important character qualification for the pastor, and the list of qualifications that follow elaborates on what it means to be “blameless.” There is to be no unrepentant sin that can be publicly named or pointed to in which the church or civil community is aware of. It doesn’t mean he is sinless or has never sinned, but that he can’t be held in contempt, either criminally, morally, socially, or ethically.
5) “husband of one wife” – This literally means to be a “one-woman man”. It’s not referring to his marital status but to his sexual purity. It doesn’t mean he can never have been widowed or be single, for example, but that he is to be solely devoted to one woman if (and while) married. This qualification comes immediately after the necessity of being “blameless” because the area of sexual purity is where many church leaders fail and, thus, become disqualified to serve as pastors.
6) “temperate” – Literally means to be “wineless,” but is here being used metaphorically and means to be “alert” or “watchful” or “clear-headed.” The pastor needs to have a “good head” on his shoulders and be watchful for things that might creep into his congregation, such as sexual sin, heresy, or false teachers.
7) “sober-minded” – He is to be a serious man who knows how to order his priorities.
8) “of good behavior” – Means to be “orderly”…as opposed to being chaotic or disorganized.
9) “hospitable” – Means to have a “love of strangers.” The pastor must set the example about how to be open and available for others, always being ready to be social and receptive of Christians and non-Christians alike.
10) “able to teach” – The only qualification referring to the pastor’s spiritual giftedness/ability, and the only one that distinguishes the office of pastor from that of deacon. Preaching and teaching God’s Holy Word is the primary responsibility of the pastor in the local church.
11) “not given to wine” – Not a regular drinker of alcohol. The pastor must never consume alcohol because he could be called on at any time of the day or night to perform his duties and, therefore, his judgment must never be clouded by alcohol.
12) “not violent” – Literally, “not a giver of blows.” A pastor is to be a humble, patient man who is calm and gentle and doesn’t react with physical violence.
13) “not greedy for money” – He is not in the ministry to make money, and earning money is not his motivation for ministry or service. The stress is on not being “greedy,” so the pastor is not to be concerned about money since the Lord will take care of his daily needs.
14) “gentle” – Means to be gracious, quick to forgive; does not hold a grudge.
15) “not quarrelsome” – Seeks for peace; reluctant to fight or argue.
16) “not covetous” – The pastor’s desire is to be for the love of God and His people, not for the love of money, possessions or position. A covetous man demonstrates a lifestyle/attitude that is not blameless.
17) “one who rules his own house well” – The pastor’s home life (as well as his personal life) must be well-ordered, not chaotic. This refers to his relationship with his wife, any children, and all things connected with his home life. A divorced man shows no sign of ruling his own home well and, therefore, would not qualify to be a pastor.
18) “having his children in submission with all reverence” – A pastor must have the respect of his children and they must be well-behaved. This does not mean that a man must have children in order to be a pastor, but if he does have any children then they must be submissive to him and his authority over them.
19) “not a novice” – Not a new convert. A newly converted Christian is not mature in the faith and his spiritual leadership would be inadequate, resulting in a prideful, destructive ministry. Pastors are to be spiritually mature, possessing a solid understanding and right application of the Scriptures.
20) “must have a good testimony among those who are outside” – A pastor must have a good reputation with the surrounding community he lives and ministers in, particularly when it comes to unbelievers. Although non-Christians may disagree with his morals or spiritual beliefs, he must be respected as an honest, caring person (good testimony).
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Why are 19 characteristics literal and #6 metaphorical?
Hey Alex!
What do you mean by metaphorical?
The statement made women cannot be pastors, is not true, according to ephesians 4:8-11 After he gave gifts unto men, and led captivity captive, meaning everything in captivity is now free. including women, what you are speaking of only applies to before he died on the cross. according to galatians 3:25-29, we are no longer under a school master once faith has come. Ephesians 4:7 unto everyone of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of christ. A husband is to teach his wife at home meaning, he gave the husband rights to decide rather his wife is ready for ministry, so if the husband releases his wife to operate in her calling rather it be pastor or anything else, according to the leading of the Holyghost, she is released to do so, it is not the right of the pastor to over ride the husband or the leading of the Holyghost, if the pastor has that right, then what is the purpose of the husband. You’re concentration should be on not being Lord over Gods heritage.
Sheryl, I appreciate your comments above but I definitely disagree with you on almost all fronts.
1) Regarding the Ephesians passage, your interpretation is incorrect. It’s not speaking to the issue of who is eligible or ineligible to be a pastor. Not at all. Trying to make that passage say something it is not even referring to is not fair to the text, let alone sinful in the eyes of God. And you can’t create a doctrine about women being pastors from one passage that doesn’t even address this issue in the passage, especially when so many other passages teach quite the opposite of your interpretation.
2) Regarding the Galatians passage, again, this has absolutely nothing to do with who is eligible or ineligible to be a pastor. It has to do with the grace of God and the blessed fact that we are didn’t understand our sin until we understand the Law. The Law leads us to Christ. How you can use this passage to having anything to do with the requirements for pastors seems odd. Moreover, both the Ephesians and Galatians passage were written by the apostle Paul, who also penned the pastoral epistles. Why would Paul teach in these passages you mention above that women can be pastors when in other places (such as listed in my article) he clearly teaches the opposite.
What you have done, Sheryl, is try to squeeze your square beliefs and opinions into the circular hole of the Bible. That is not acceptable to God.
Lastly, no place in Scripture does it ever say that a husband grants his wife the opportunity (or privilege or authorization or permission) to be a pastor. God decides that.
What makes you not use the NKJV over the KJV. I like your article on pastor qualifications. Just would like to know?
Thanks and GOD bless.
Actually, I do use the NKJV when I preach. That is the translation my church used primarily before I got here so that’s what I use currently. I also sometimes use the NASB.
I would have no problems using the KJV but many people find it difficult to understand so I don’t use it when I preach.
That shows laziness on the peoples part. Don’t compromise with the Devil’s bibles just to make it easy for people
Great article, it really helped me, i am a Pastor from Venezuela and sometimes i think if i am qualified for such high job.
Glad to hear that, Eduardo!
Can i still become a pastor if i commited fornicarion after baptism
Can i still become a pastor if i commited fornication after baptism ????which i did repent from thank you god bless.
God is a God of forgiveness. But there’s more to it than just that.
Things to take into consideration are what kind of fornication, how long ago was it, how public was the sin made known, have you openly confessed it to everyone who needs to know about it, are you being called into pastoral ministry, etc.
I have a good friend who was a Pastor at my old church, and it didn’t turn out so well. I ended up leaving the church and so did many others and eventually he did. Well, he went back to school to get his Masters in Theology and thinks he is still feeling called to be a pastor. I know he still struggles with four or five of the qualifications you have listed. So, I recently told him, lovingly as a friend, that I don’t think he should be a pastor, and I was sure God had a better service for him, still. (His wife even agrees) He took my advice seriously and prayed about it. He still thinks, since God used so many screwed-up people in the Bible, that God could still use him, and that he now knows the things he needs to work on and believes God can change him.
What do you think? I know Moses, Paul, Peter and David all had faults that disqualified them on your list, does my friend have a point?
Well, if God was in the business of only calling perfect people into ministry then there’d be no one in ministry. With that said, however, there definitely are qualifications for the role of pastor or deacon. It is definitely something the man must constantly ask himself about, and others (like yourself) could also assist him in determining God’s call.
There are different roles of pastoring as well. Some are called to preach, while others may only teach in a small group setting. Still others might counsel from the Bible one-on-one. But I do believe that God can use people in different ways.
Dear Brother,
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
I an so keen to be a a pastor I have mentioned my email address
Would you please be in touch with me to teach me all about scriptures so that I may be able to convey it to my small ministry in my locality.
Thanks I am waiting for your fruitful reply on my Email.
God bless you extensively.
+91- 8146777121
Punjab (India)
Hello Dominic. Thank you for your ministry to God’s people. I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking about here. You are free to email me directly with any questions and I’ll do my best to respond. God bless!