Have you ever thought about how God wants you to specifically function in the body of Christ? I have, and here is a bit of what I have gleaned after preaching from Romans chapter twelve over the past few weeks. You are to be a functioning member in the body of Christ After all, the Lord does not
3 Ways to be a Better Husband and Show Love to Your Wife
In case you didn't know, marriage ain't easy. But praise the Lord that there are ways to be a better husband to your wife. I used to think that I was the most patient and caring person on planet Earth. No seriously, it's the truth. I really thought I was more patient than most people and that I
8 Reasons Why Sober Thinking Leads to Effective Christian Ministry
Humble people serve other people, while proud people wait to be served. If you're getting to a point in your spiritual walk with the Lord where you want to excel and do more kingdom work, I have good news for you: God wants that for you as well! QUESTION: How can you increase your
7 Reasons Why the Pursuit of Excellence is Better than Settling for Mediocrity
I'm learning (though I'm never quite learning it fast enough) that the pursuit of excellence in everything I do is infinitely better than settling for mediocrity. It should seem obvious that the pursuit of excellence in everything you do would be the surest road to maximizing your potential, yet
5 Tips For Creating a Viral Social Movement For Your Ministry, Service, or Product
Here is the issue at hand: Everyone you and I know wants to either lead or join or follow a social movement. And most of us want to do all three at once. What is a Social Movement? A social movement could be something like feeding the homeless people in a medium-sized town, or teaching Christian
Help Me Choose A New Cover For My Book
My publisher is reworking the exterior cover design and interior format of my book, REVEALED: God's Will for Your Life. REVEALED (Cover Options) Above is a PDF link for 6 cover designs to choose from. The main differences are the font type and size of the endorsement at the top of the cover, and