What Is Personal Development? I've been reading John Maxwell's latest book The 15 Invaluable Laws Of Growth this week. All I can say is that I'm thoroughly enjoying it! It is rich with golden nuggets of wisdom, each having to do with personal growth and development. If you are a leader interested
What Does The Bible Say About Politics?
Barach won. Mitt lost. Roseanne Barr didn't win either (praise the Lord!). Oh yes, and last I checked, God is still seated on the throne. Therefore, it is a very good day!
The Status Quo
Challenging The Status Quo As a leader, you're trying to cast your vision so that your tribe of followers will know what to expect and where you hope to lead them. After all, we (your followers) will follow your leadership because we trust you, knowing that you're taking us where we want to go in
Leadership Styles Of Cowboys And Shepherds
When it comes to leadership styles, are you more of a Cowboy or a Shepherd? If you are any sort of leader at all then you are likely one of the two. Rarely can you be both at the same time and occasionally your followers (we---the sheep and the cattle!) will determine which of the two you'll need
How To Be A Leader
Everyone wants to know how to be a leader, but few are willing to actually become one. The Sea of Mediocrity is an endless ocean where most of the world treads water. Effective leaders, however, have learned how to avoid those waters so as not to experience shipwreck. Strong leaders do not
A List Of The World’s Top Leadership Blogs
As of today there are well over 100,000,000 websites floating around the world. Some estimate the number to be closer to 200,000,000. That is a lot of blog posts, web design, and comments. But have you ever wondered which of those 100,000,000 or so are worth reading? I have, and that's why I