What if God hired a search committee to find pastors like churches today do to find pastors? Maybe the results would come back like the following? Search Committee Report: The following is a confidential report on several candidates being considered for our new Pastor. Adam: Good man but problems
3 Tips For Turning Hard Work Into The Taste Of Victory
“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” – Vince Lombardi I love quotes. Actually, I love quotes that are one sentence long and apply to multiple areas of my life. In other words, I love one-liners like this one from Vince Lombardi, the famous late coach of the Green Bay
When Dreams Come True
I enjoy meeting fascinating people who live on the cuff of pure awesomeness. I mean, really, who doesn't want to meet world-changing people, right? I've recently become acquainted with a guy named Kimanzi Constable and, let me tell you, he's someone you need to watch. Keep your eye on this
What You Can Learn From Jonathan Edwards And His Pursuit Of Minimalism
If you're not familiar with Jonathan Edwards, one of America' most influential philosophical theologians, you really should check him out. He was a pastor mightily used of God and delivered what is arguably the most popular sermon ever given by anyone not named Jesus Christ ("Sinners In The Hands Of
You Were Designed To Live The Minimalist Life
The more trinkets we have, the less satisfied we become. The bigger our barns, the greater our stress. The more money that we make, the more we spend. It seems strange and bizarre and odd, but it happens to also be the truth. Have you ever wondered why that is? I believe that the problem is
Strategic Minimalism: A Sure-Fire Way To A Happier Life
My highschool baseball coach used to drill into our heads one particular quote, over and over and over again. It has to do with running around the bases, but I've recently come to realize that the truth behind this one-liner is one of the basic fundamentals to living a happier, more productive life.