When you woke up this morning, what did you do? Did you eat any breakfast? Maybe go to the gym? Hug your children? Go to work? Shoot some basketball? Take a walk? What did you do? Whatever you did, however, I assume you probably didn't think you would have to die today for the glory of God. No
How To Build A Better Bio For Twitter
Do you have a Twitter account yet? If you don't, you really should consider setting one up. Like...today would be soon enough! If you are a blogger or plan to blog at all, having an active Twitter account is essential to ensuring success and generating traffic to your blog. You need a great bio for
Christian Pick Up Lines Guaranteed To Keep You “Single” For The Rest Of Your Life
I am so proud to be able to say that I have never used a lame pick up line with a girl. (Please, don't ask my wife. Shh!) Christian pick up lines are funny, awkward, cheesy, and if I ever hear my sons use them when they get older I'll disown them in the blink of an eye! (Either that or use it on
Help Me Write A Better Book Summary And Author Bio
Hey, would you mind doing me a favor? Pretty please? My very first book is just beginning the editing process and the cover design is about to get under way. Yeah! My book is called God's Will Revealed, and it is scheduled to be released in March 2013. It is going to be published
A Funny Christian Joke (or Two)
I love a funny Christian joke every now and then. Who doesn't like to laugh, after all? I think that too often we take things about our faith waaaaay too seriously. Don't you agree? By the way, if you think the below jokes are funny, you should read this other article I wrote that gives about 30
Homosexuality: What Does The Bible Say About It?
[stextbox id="custom"]This article is from the “What does the Bible say about” series. Here are some others (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th).[/stextbox] I had an uncle who suffered greatly and eventually died of AIDS nearly fifteen years ago. He lived a homosexual lifestyle in