Ready to start a blog? have done the initial work to start a blog but you just can’t seem to stay motivated. You know you need to publish blog posts frequently in order to build a loyal tribe, but you’re sporadic at best. Or perhaps you’ve been blogging regularly, but you're starting to
Abortion: What Does The Bible Say About It?
[stextbox id="custom"]This article is from the “What does the Bible say about” series. Here are some others (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th).[/stextbox] Abortion. Some call it murder while others claim it is nothing more than a woman's choice. Many claim it to be merely a
7 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog Today
Start A Blog Why do you want to start a blog, exactly? There are no doubt hundreds of good reasons why Christians start blogging, but they can all be boiled down to only seven. (At least that is what I plan to do here, so hopefully this works!) Because blogging platforms like WordPress, and
3 Types Of Headlines That Convert Internet Surfers Into Loyal Followers Of Your Blog
Headlines That Convert I recently blogged about the first three types of headlines that convert people into avid readers of your tribe. After all, that's what you want, right? You want people to read your posts. You want them to learn, to grow, to subscribe, and to tell others about your
3 Tips For Creating Killer Headlines That Convert “Lookers” Into Readers
Headlines That Convert Think about this for a moment (as we consider headlines that convert)... When you last strolled aimlessly through the aisles of Barnes & Noble (sipping your iced coffee), what stimulus caused you to pick up a random book from off the shelf? Some people choose
3 Mind-Blowing Tips On How To Get Traffic To Your Christian Blog
Do you write a blog? Maybe you're a Christian mommy-blogger, or you have a blog about theology, or parenting, or leadership, or homeschooling? Wondering how to get traffic flowing at that blog? There are millions of blogs floating around the blogosphere right now. The challenge is getting internet