I love reading blogs. Wait, let me rephrase that. Actually, I love reading quality blogs tailored for Christian writers. Yes, that's much better. I probably frequent about 20-30 blogs on any given day. I certainly don't (can't!) read everything these bloggers write and many times I find
The Great Commission: Why Buy The Cow When The Milk Is Free?
Most Christians (like myself) know they are supposed to share the gospel with unbelievers, but most Christians rarely---if ever---actually do. Have you ever thought about that? Ever since the church was born shortly after the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, the mandate has been to
How To Respond If God Sends Angels To Speak With You
Have you ever thought about those two angels that spoke with the believers on the mountain as Jesus Christ was literally ascending into Heaven right before their very eyes? I have. I haven't heard any sermons preached about that incident, as far as I can remember, but it is one of the most amazing
When God Plays Truth Or Dare
In my last post I began to articulate how God both cherishes and guards the purity of His church. He is serious about holiness and obedience in the finer things of life, not merely the bigger ones. One of the last comments I made in that post was this: Nevertheless, as wonderful as all that must
It is Hard To Leave Jerusalem When The Pews Are So Comfortable
Our exalted Christ guards the purity of His church with a holy passion. Just ask Ananias and Sapphira, who were both struck dead after donating a large chunk of money for the needs of the poor, yet lied about the finer details of the gift. God is serious about the sin of lying, but He is also
8 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging Today
There are no doubt hundreds of good reasons why Christians start blogging, but I think they can all be lumped together and then be boiled down to only eight. (At least that is what I plan to do here, so hopefully it works!) Because blogging platforms like Wordpress (which is the one I use for this