Are you familiar with Rick Warren and his ministry? Pastor Rick leads a very large church called Saddleback Church, located primarily in southern California, but also with other campuses and church plants scattered around the world. Rick has been used by God in amazing and diverse ways, and I
5 Things Every Christian Needs To Wrestle With About Why People Go To Hell
Do you believe that---before the foundation of the world---God "chose" certain people for whom He would grant eternal salvation? Do you believe that He wrote their names down in the Lamb's Book of Life even before He uttered the words, "Let there be light"? If you do, how do you reconcile the fact
10 Things The Bible Teaches About The Holy Spirit That Every Christian Needs To Understand
If you are anything like most Christians, you probably know a lot more about God the Father and God the Son than you do about God the Holy Spirit. Am I correct? The Holy Spirit has been almost completely forgotten or, at best, relatively ignored in most Christian circles today. Oh, we probably
Middle-Aged White Guy’s Guide To Christian Rap Music
Have you seen Tim Challies’ middle-aged white guy’s guide to Christian rap? Here it is. Let me know what you think about it, and specifically what you think about rap music being labeled as Christian. Challies has written about this once or twice in the past. Enjoy!
“Where’s The Link Love” Shameless Weekend (2/19/12)
Today is Shameless Weekend. Say it with me now: Hip, Hip, Hoorah! I'm totally stealing (um, I mean "borrowing") this idea from John Acuff and his Stuff Christians Like blog's all good. (And I'm giving him some link-love as payment. LOL) What Shameless Weekend means is that you
Calvinism: 5 Points That Will Cause Christians To Divide If Not Rightly Understood
I'm not that much into pulling weeds, planting flowers, or gardening and such, but I like an oocasional TULIP now and then. If you want to heat up a discussion (polite way of saying: screaming conversation) between a few Christians sitting around a coffee shop, just start talking about the 16th