I'm not that much into pulling weeds, planting flowers, or gardening and such, but I like an oocasional TULIP now and then. If you want to heat up a discussion (polite way of saying: screaming conversation) between a few Christians sitting around a coffee shop, just start talking about the 16th
11 Things You Need To Believe About Jesus Christ Or You Could End Up In Hell
People will let Jesus be anything, so long as we don't declare Him to be who He claimed to be. Do you agree? People will let Jesus be a nice man, a good teacher, a victor for the poor and oppressed, and an all-around good moral man. But will the masses of people let the one who walked on water to
6 Truths You Need To Understand About Yourself Before You Can Truly Know Your God
One of the basic problems people have when determining whether or not they need God in their life comes from, what I believe, a faulty view of "self." We don't know the person in the mirror and so we can't really know God, as a result. In other words, we don't understand the basic tenets of where
Is God Male Or Female…Or Even A Dung Beetle?
Have you ever noticed how "religious" human beings are? Entire cultures, governments, and families are shaped around "religion." Most people believe in God. Actually, most people believe in god(s), and for the sake of arguement, let's just agree on the fact that most people around this floating
The Idolatry In Not Hacking Agag Into A Thousand Pieces
[stextbox id="custom"]In yesterday's blog post I started to unravel the reality that God is in sovereign charge over every detail in this universe, which includes even the details surrounding Christians being persecuted, tortured, and martyred for their faith. We began trying to answer the
The Answer To Why Bad Things Happen To Good People
This is not the article I was planning to write. I would much prefer to dive right into the next one. I'm pretty excited about the upcoming, highly controversial topic found there, but I also know that the very thought of Divine Persecution causes many Christians to fidget and squirm in their