Today is my blog's first official Shameless Saturday. Say it with me now: Hip, Hip, Hoorah! I'm totally stealing (um, I mean "borrowing") this idea from John Acuff and his Stuff Christians Like blog's all good. (And I'm giving him some link-love as payment. LOL) What Shameless
The Reason 171,000 Christians Will Be Murdered This Year
When Jesus informed the disciples in Acts 1:8 that they would be His “witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth," I am convinced they did not comprehend the totality of that Great Commission statement. There are many things that the Bible says
What Is Church Planting, Anyway?
I came across an article today on that puzzled me. Okay, it got under my skin a bit. Okay, maybe more than a bit. Okay, maybe a lot more than that. I'm doing a preaching series on Sunday mornings at our church called: What Is Church? We're talking about what Jesus meant when
The Reason Why Knowing God’s Will Is Like Making Pancakes
It was an early Saturday morning and I was feeling especially creative. Rather chef-like. For some crazy reason I got the idea that I should make breakfast for everyone in the house. If you’ve heard anything about my legendary culinary skills then you will understand that this was a very bad
A Mixed Bag Of Blessings And Curses
Yesterday wasn't an overly strange day, but two things of interest made me feel like sharing them with the world. The first is identification theft. The second is a child's early interest in writing. Let me begin with the first issue--the curse. The Curse Hardly ten minutes had ticked by after I
The Reason Why Many “Christians” Disdain Public Evangelism
Bus stops are great places for witnessing, because sinners just keep coming and going all day long. Most of them are usually sitting down and won’t walk away—even if they do not like what you have to say—because they don’t want to miss their bus. Sometimes I think God created public transportation