Repentance is the marriage partner of faith. They are the bride and groom of genuine salvation. Repentance and faith walk the same line, lead to the same destination, and will never be separated. In fact, there will not be a single person in heaven who had not repented of their sin and turned to
You Cannot Truly Repent Without Having True Faith
Most Christians would say they have faith. They would likely say they are alive spiritually. They might even claim to be 100% certain about their salvation. But then I always remember those "Christians" Jesus spoke about at the end of the Sermon On The Mount...and I wonder. [stextbox id="custom"
You Need To Get Lost In Order To Be Found
Recently I was visiting my in-laws when their next door neighbor came over for coffee while his children played with mine in the backyard. After lunch we sat around the table, talking about this, that, and the other thing. After an hour or so I decided to transition the conversation into the
The Good News About Biblical Repentance
The word “gospel” means goodnews. Not bad news...but good news! Jesus told us to teach and “preach the gospel to all creation" (Mark 16:15). Our Christian message to the world is ultimately one of goodnews. In fact, it's the best news the world could ever hear. An imperative aspect of the
The Gospel, The Whole Gospel, And Nothing But The Repentant Gospel
The Great Commission is the very reason you are still breathing right now. (Insert an inhale and an exhale here.) Life is about evangelism and discipleship; both of others and for yourself. But what is the Great Commission, you ask? And what does it have to do with repentance? I'm so glad
A Classic Example Of Why Muslims Won’t Make It To Heaven
Recently I was preaching at a local jail and one Hispanic man in particular had been attending the chapel service regularly and for many consecutive weeks. I had high hopes that God would remove the veil of unbelief, open his heart and save his soul. I cling to that hope still today. I never