Have you ever thought about why we actually do the things we do, inside the church? No, seriously, why do we do what we do? Why do we have things like men's ministries, women's ministries, children's ministries, music ministries, conferences, evangelism training courses, prayer meetings, etc.,
Christianity and Church Media Are Nearing The Social Media Tipping Point
You can almost make statistics say anything you want them too. Almost, that is. Yet regardless of which side of an issue you happen to be on, you just can't ignore certain facts and stats. According to the Facebook infographic of an article I posted a few days back, in 2008 the average age of a
What Is “Cyber Monday” All About Anyway? [Infographic]
Did you know that there was roughly $165.4 billion dollars spent in 2010 on e-commerce sales? That equates to about $453,000,000 per day in online purchases! When I left the house this morning, my wife was online scooping up a few sweet deals from Cyber Monday's mania. (She's getting to be so
Why Church Music Should Or Should Not Be Considered “Worship”
Music and worship. Worship and music. The two go hand in hand. Maybe they're the same...maybe not. But who is the one that gets to ultimately decide? I don't know about you but I personally have a difficult time referring to church music as "worship," because that seems to cancel out a lot of
9 Reasons Why Your Pastor Needs To Interact With You On Social Media
Fact: Every single day there are tens of millions of people from all around the world who use various social media platforms to converse and interact with other people---even people they have never met in their life! How weird is that? It gets even more strange when you consider this fact with
A Few Things You Need To Know About Thanksgiving Day
Below is a very interesting infographic about the celebration of Thanksgiving Day. I didn't know some of this information, but it is interesting that the Detroit Lions (a seriously troubled NFL football team without much to look forward to) needed a gimmick to get people to watch them (some things