It is true. Very true. Most Christians—myself included—sweat bullets when they think about talking to strangers (not to mention friends & family) about their Christian faith. It causes the sweat to pour and the blood pressure to rise. Reasons not to speak the truth in love begin to surface
Christianity And The American Dream
The "American Church" looks vastly different than other churches outside this country. But is that solely due to cultural differences, or is something more sinister to blame? Jesus said to give up our earthly treasures in exchange for Him, but many "Christians" today associate with Christ only so
Discipleship: Are You Interested?
It’s been some two thousand years since Jesus ascended into the clouds, yet He remains eternally the “same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). As God in the flesh, our Lord Jesus Christ had the wisdom and foresight to gaze into the generations ahead and behold the long road in which
Missionary Work And Provocative Attire
During a lecture once in seminary, my professor paused, set aside his notes and then said something that I will never forget. He said, "You know...we're a lot more like the Corinthians than we'd care to admit." His statement was sad...and true. Missionary work in foreign lands is hard work. One
Why Encouragement Is Like Building A House
There was this rundown, ramshackle-of-a-house in my neighborhood. It was an eyesore for everyone who drove by it. Including me. I was simply thrilled when a local homebuilder purchased it a few years back. His plan was to fix it up and then flip it for a quick profit. His workers soon tore down
How Many People Have You Converted?
Nothing you or I could ever say or do—apart from the Holy Spirit’s regenerating work—will ever cause a person who is dead spiritually to be born again. Sorry to burst your evangelistic bubble, but it’s the truth. As a genuine believer, your role in this world is to proclaim the biblical gospel of