Today is Sunday and this morning at church I'll be preaching on "How to Overcome Temptation." All people, both Christians and non-Christians alike, are tempted regularly, daily, and too often multiple times per hour. Temptations are all around us, but God has given us a way of escape from all
5 New Year Resolutions for Christian Leaders
You've probably made them in the past. You may have even made some in the past few days. They're called "New Year Resolutions" and people tend to make them toward the end of the year or sometime at the beginning of a new year. I wonder...what are your New Year Resolutions?
The Personal Development Plan of King Solomon
"And moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yes, he pondered and sought out and set in order many proverbs." (Ecclesiastes 12:9) The Personal Development Plan for Wise People
The Proverbs 31 Woman (and What Men Can Learn From Her)
I absolutely love, love, love reading the book of Proverbs! The book of Proverbs is filled with wisdom for all occasions in life, and the final chapter gives each of us a glimpse of a rare woman, indeed. Let's call her the Proverbs 31 Woman.
How to be More Confident (Building Confidence God’s Way) – VIDEO
You know, I’ve been trying to think about exactly what it is I want to accomplish here at What, exactly, am I trying to do? Ultimately, the answer is this:
The Profile of My Ideal Reader (or, The Person I Create My Message For)
Are You My Ideal Reader? My primary goal is to help Christians live the life they've always wanted. That is, my goal is to help them live the life God wants them to live. (And, yes, I believe they should be one and the same.) If you were to review the archive of this blog's historical content,