Today is a day the Lord has made! Rejoice in it and be glad! Bible Verse of the Day This is the first article in what, Lord willing, will become the first of many that will provide encouragement from God's Word. All of God's people will benefit from reading a Bible verse of the day. I pray that
How To Get Saved (or, What does it mean to be a Christian?)
Do you know how to get saved? When you die, will you go to Heaven or Hell? No...seriously...where will you spend your eternity? Have you ever thought about it much? Isn't it strange how many people are more concerned about things like life insurance than they are about soul assurance? There are
7 Keys to Living an Extraordinary Life of Impact
I believe that God expects you and me to be more than merely ordinary. In fact, I believe the Bible teaches that God desires for His people to live an extraordinary life of impact. We are to be light in the darkness, salt to the world, and ambassadors of Jesus Christ. Yes, God's desire is for you
10 Tips for Overcoming Fear and Overcoming Failure
Nobody likes to fail. But overcoming fear and overcoming failure are definitely possible and within the grasp of those who truly want it. So, do you want it? Do you want to know the recipe for overcoming fear and overcoming failure? The Process of Overcoming Fear I'm not an expert on fear,
80 Motivational Quotes to Help You Build Confidence
I absolutely love motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, and quotes having to do with productivity and leadership. Good, thought-provoking motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad day, to get us off the couch and into the gym, and they can even give us the courage to pursue our
Arguments Against Gay Marriage (Christian Thoughts on the Gay Marriage Debate)
In this article I plan to write about the Christian arguments against gay marriage. Practically everyone in the mainstream media seems to be discussing why gay marriage should be legalized, but in this article I plan to offer my own Christian thoughts on the gay marriage debate. My perspective is