Quick---in 30 seconds or less, tell me why I should consider attending your church as opposed to the 50 or so others scattered around your city. No, seriously...do it! Why should I pick yours over any of the others that also want me to attend theirs? What makes your church so special? A bit
14 Questions To Brainstorm Regarding The “Form And Function” Of Your Sunday Morning Church Bulletin
Form Always Follows Function. If you were to sit down with an architect and say, "I want you to design a building for me," one of the first things she/he would ask you would be, "Tell me what you plan to do in it." In other words, what is the "function" you plan to do in and around the building?
Funny Church Bulletin Bloopers And Blunders To Make You Laugh
Sometimes I think we take things in the church way too seriously. Do you know what I mean? No, I'm not talking about things like sin or theology or repentance (or even Stormtroopers). Certainly those things have their place (and the place for Stormtroopers is in the nursery, by the
3 Things Your Choice In Bible Translation Says About You And Your Church
There are dozens and dozens of Bible translations out in circulation today. But did you know it hasn't always been that way? I have a friend who, shortly after he got saved, was told by his new pastor that the Bible he brought to church (his dad's Bible) was not truly God's Word and that he should
6 Things To Consider When Designing Your Church’s Sunday Morning Bulletin
Your church's Sunday morning bulletin is very much like a corporate salesperson's business card. No really, it is! Business cards are nice and handy because they're small, easy to carry and give away, contain important contact information, provide bright colors and slogans, and are typically
12 Important Truths You Should Believe About The Bible
Have you ever thought about what the "essentials" (as opposed to "gray" areas) are with regards to believing in Christianity and the Bible? And who gets to decide what is "essential" to believe, anyway? Most churches have a Doctrinal Statement of Faith that outlines what that church believes,