This past Wednesday night I started teaching a new study through the book of Ephesians. What a great book! One of the verses we focused on is the last verse in that book. It says, "Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.” (Ephesians 6:24) It’s all about love! Love
The DOORS Into Your Church
I believe this is a question we pastors and church leaders today need to think about more, and actually provide answers for. I liken the opportunity [and the potential threat] to doors in a building. The Front Door The FRONT DOOR is like the Sunday worship service at your church. It's often
7 Reasons Why God Doesn’t Believe in the 4-Hour Work Week
Do Work That Truly Matters First off, let's be clear about something... I sincerely hope that this article wrinkles your feathers. At least for some of you. I'm secretly in holy plotting, that is...that this article will cause you to rethink your current work ethic and begin doing
7 Things to Say in a Sermon at the Funeral Service of an Unbeliever
"God must open a person's heart to believe, but He often uses your words to do that miracle in someone's heart." Click to Tweet What Could Be "Wrong" at a Funeral Service? It was a beautiful day today. An absolutely gorgeous day! At 10:00 am the sun was shining, there was a light yet cool
The Profile of My Ideal Reader (or, The Person I Create My Message For)
Are You My Ideal Reader? My primary goal is to help Christians live the life they've always wanted. That is, my goal is to help them live the life God wants them to live. (And, yes, I believe they should be one and the same.) If you were to review the archive of this blog's historical content,
Help Me Choose A New Cover For My Book
My publisher is reworking the exterior cover design and interior format of my book, REVEALED: God's Will for Your Life. REVEALED (Cover Options) Above is a PDF link for 6 cover designs to choose from. The main differences are the font type and size of the endorsement at the top of the cover, and