Start A Blog Why do you want to start a blog, exactly? There are no doubt hundreds of good reasons why Christians start blogging, but they can all be boiled down to only seven. (At least that is what I plan to do here, so hopefully this works!) Because blogging platforms like WordPress, and
Practically every unsaved person around the world believes that they have to do something in order to make their god pleased with them. Regardless of what religious persuasion a person is coming from, every religion in the world essentially falls into that bucket. The bucket is called: Human
6 Things To Consider When Designing Your Church’s Sunday Morning Bulletin
Your church's Sunday morning bulletin is very much like a corporate salesperson's business card. No really, it is! Business cards are nice and handy because they're small, easy to carry and give away, contain important contact information, provide bright colors and slogans, and are typically
5 Resolutions That Will Help You Live More Godly
Jonathan Edwards was a Puritan pastor who wrote a series of Resolutions which he tried to observe in order to stay on the right track of living a lifestyle of constant holiness. He began each of those Resolutions with the word, "Resolved," and the heading of the list began with the following
5 Tips To Make You A Better “At-Home Educator”
[stextbox id="custom"]This is a guest post by James L. Reed. James is an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel, Casa Grande, Arizona. He works in youth and worship music ministry. If you're interested in writing an article for this blog, please review the guest post guidelines.[/stextbox] We began