Hey, would you mind doing me a favor? Pretty please?
My very first book is just beginning the editing process and the cover design is about to get under way. Yeah!
My book is called God’s Will Revealed, and it is scheduled to be released in March 2013. It is going to be published by Ellechor Publishing.
I’m so excited!
My publisher just emailed me with a few thoughts about the book summary and my author bio.
What Is A Book Summary?
The book summary is what you read on the back cover of the book. It tells you about what the book is about (I know, duh!) and attempts to spark some interest to get you to buy the book.
The author bio tells you about the author (again, duh!) and is also usually found on the back of the cover or toward the end of the book itself.
I feel like my summary and author bio needs some tweaking. Would you mind reading both and then let me know your thoughts in the comments section below?
Feel free to be harsh, critical, and overly opinionated. I can take it. Actually, the more comments and opinions you provide—the better my book will become.
If you’re open to helping me out, that’s awesome! If not, it is still awesome…but you’re not as awesome as you could be. 😉
Thanks in advance!
[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”Book Summary (working draft)”]
God’s Will Revealed
Charles Specht
Living a blessed and highly satisfied life is by no means beyond your reach. God desires for every Christian to know, understand, and fulfill the plan He’s charted for their personal life.
What does God want you to do with your life?
Stop stumbling, guessing, and wondering about what God would have you do with your life! God’s Will Revealed teaches Christians how to better discern the unanswered questions in life by being more passionate about what God has already disclosed to us, the Bible. Fulfill God’s plan for your life!
“For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and self-control.” II Timothy 1:7
[stextbox id=”custom” caption=”My author bio (working draft)”]
About the Author
Charles Specht is an author and pastor, centering his ministry on the glory of God, and pushing the envelope of intentional Christianity. He’s about spiritual transparency, stepping out of the ministry closet, and going public with our dreams, hopes, and God-given gifts. He has a passion for technology, for reading and writing, and for figuring out how to better serve others for the glory of God alone. Charles resides in California with his wife, Kathy, and their five children.
You can visit his personal website at www.CharlesSpecht.com and follow his blog at www.CrazyAboutChurch.com
QUESTION: What should I change, add or edit to make these better? Please comment below.
* Image credit: *Sage* TokyoChicago (Creative Commons)
Your book summary is an energetic motivating speech, but it doesn’t tell me why your book is any different from anybody else’s encouraging words. Just a thought.
I totally agree, Katherine. If I was in a book store and picked up my book, read the back summary (as I’ve written it above), I wouldn’t buy it myself. Boring!
Thank you so much for commenting. Because it is a book, I only get one chance to get it right.
I agree with @facebook-602268732:disqus. You have a great start. But you need the hook. What will make me stop and pick YOUR book? What burning question are you answering? What will I walk away with? How will my life be changed? Etc.
Great start…now dig deeper. 🙂
Dana! That is tremendous advice. And since I was on Michael’s pre-launch team it is a sad fact that I didn’t think of the hook (thanks for the Facebook message about the elevator pitch, btw)!
And thanks again for reminding me why Proverbs 15:22 is such a truism (“Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed.”)