Do you know how to get saved?
When you die, will you go to Heaven or Hell?
No…seriously…where will you spend your eternity? Have you ever thought about it much? Isn’t it strange how many people are more concerned about things like life insurance than they are about soul assurance?
There are few questions in life—such as this most critical one—that a person could ever answer which has any real significance for both this life and the next. Jesus put it this way,
For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:26)
What does it mean to be a Christian?
Essentially, is there anything more important than your soul? No, of course there isn’t. The question of how to get saved is most important. Why? Because your soul is your most prized possession!
The Christian faith (a.k.a. Christianity) has a lot more substance to it than a lengthy list of religious do’s and don’t’s. Moreover, it’s not a load of self-help advice, either. In fact, one person’s definition of Christianity went something like this:
Christianity is little more than one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.
That definition is “OK” for a Sunday comic strip, but it comes no where close to explaining what true biblical Christianity really is.
True biblical Christianity is surrendering to the lordship of Jesus Christ. It is about honoring God in word, thought and deed. It means that God’s people are to be more concerned about his will for their lives than they are even about their necessary food.
Does that describe you?
As a pastor myself, I’m trying to live out my faith so as not to play the hypocrite. What a waste of a life it would be to go through the motions of Christianity without having the reality of its substance. That would be like trying to drive a race car but forgetting to ever put gasoline in the tank. Or like firing a gun without putting a bullet in the chamber. In other words, it just doesn’t work. It’s a waste of time.
But biblical Christianity (what is found in the Bible, not so much the rituals and traditions of men) is like jet fuel and missiles. It is more than you could ever ask for or hope to receive. True Christianity is beyond our human comprehension and can never have the fullness of its depths searched out. The Christian faith is both vast and wide, intellectual and spiritual, intimately personal and yet available to all who receive it by faith.
QUESTION: Do you have that kind of faith?
What does it mean to be a Christian, exactly?
Question: What is faith and how can you live it out for the greater glory of God and the benefit of others? Lord willing, the following articles will help you answer questions like that for yourself. If you have any questions, thoughts or comments, feel free to contact me.
- 20 Encouraging Bible Verses That Will Encourage You To Live Boldly For Christ
- What Does The Bible Say About Politics?
- What You Can Learn From Jonathan Edwards And His Pursuit Of Minimalism
- You Were Designed To Live The Minimalist Life
- What A Minimalist Can Learn From Birth And Death
- Jesus Christ The Minimalist
- Christian Jokes and Other Funny Stories That Will Make You Smile
How to get saved and go to heaven
But even more important than anything else is making sure that your calling and election are sure.
- Are you really saved, or are you merely going through the motions of Christianity?
- Do you love God and his people with a relentless love, or is even the thought of weekly church attendance a chore?
- Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness, or has it been a few weeks (months?) since you read your Bible?
Your salvation is between you and the Lord. But you need to be sure that you’re saved. If you’re not quite sure about what it means to be a Christian, but want to be sure that you are or want to know how to get saved and go to heaven, then the following article just might be the most important one you’ll ever read in your life.
I pray that God uses it to draw you to himself and cause you to bow the knee in faith, once and for all. May God richly bless you, my beloved!
* Image credit: Pierce Brantley (Creation Swap)
I agree with this post so much. I think the way our society is shaped, so many Christians have become concerned with this world and what they want out of it, that they forget this life really is a fraction of the time compared to what we will spend in eternity. Even Christians who say they are Christians, you would not be able to tell it by the way they act. It is time for many Christians to begin to reflect and be more Christlike, especially if they want to find themselves in heaven.
I couldn’t agree with you more, Sophia. You said it just like it needs to be said. Keep the faith, my friend!