Today is my blog’s first official Shameless Saturday. Say it with me now: Hip, Hip, Hoorah!
I’m totally stealing (um, I mean “borrowing”) this idea from John Acuff and his Stuff Christians Like blog but…hey…it’s all good. (And I’m giving him some link-love as payment. LOL)
What Shameless Saturday means is that you are FREE and ENCOURAGED to leave a link to your personal blog, your church, a favorite para-church ministry, your own Facebook page, and your Twitter account.
What’s your blog and what’s it all about?
What’s your cause? What’s your ministry? What’s the Amazon link for your book?
What’s the link you want people to see more than anything else?
Go ahead and post a link to whatever it is you’re all about, with no shame or apologizing or feeling like you’re making a comment on a post you really don’t care about but are instead secretly trying to promote your own blog. (Admit it, you’ve probably done it.)
Use the comments section below to let us know about your blog or your cause or your ministry or your…whatever. The Internet is so big it’s hard to find everything worthwhile, so help us find you! But don’t miss my P.S. below.
Go ahead and post a link to whatever it is you’re all about, with no shame or apologizing or feeling like you’re making a comment on a post you really don’t care about but are instead secretly trying to promote your own blog. (Admit it, you’ve probably done it.)
Hi Charles, I’m a johnny-come-lately to this particular post because I don’t get on the Internet too much on most weekends. Enjoying the site. Will browse some more tomorrow. Shamelessly promoting
May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you, brother.
Not a problem, Jon. I posted this “Shameless Saturday” post in the evening so I was a bit late getting it out. I checked out your website just now. Great stuff! Keep up the great work declaring the Doctrines of Grace!
Faith Baptist Church in Strathmore, CA where I pastor.