“Nathanael said to him, ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’ Philip said to him, ‘Come and see.'” (John 1:46)
It’s been some two thousand years since Nathanael asked his skeptical question. It is a question still asked by unbelieving humans today.
Thankfully, the other side of the coin is there as well. The answer.
“Come and see.”
Not apologetics or lengthy sermons or treatises on deep theology…but “Come and see.”
That is an answer I can handle, can swallow, can share with others.
I can tell people to come and see for themselves. Jesus Christ is someone to behold, to feel and experience, to surrender to. And that can only be done once the seeker is willing to come and see.
Come and See
“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Come and see.
“What is Christianity all about?” Come and see.
“Why do you go to church every Sunday?” Come and see.
“What does it mean to love God?” Come and see.
“Is Jesus real?” Come and see.
“Can God save a wretch like me?” Come and see.
Come and see the open tomb, the nail-pierced hands of God touch the lowliest beggar, the Prince of Peace converse with the leper.
Come and see for yourself.
Watch the omniscient Son of God work through the hands of his people, to heal the brokenhearted, and to forgive the ugliest sin of the vilest sinner.
Come and see.
The blessed Savior avoids no sincere inquiry. He ignores no heartfelt questioning. He fears no search from the one who longs for truth.
Come and see, and you will be forever changed when you do.
I like what you do and look forward the opportunity to make my contribution to the Body of Christ and the world via my personal journey with Credit and DEBT MANAGEMENT.