I know.
I know you.
I know you are going through stuff right now.
I know you are stressing about your job, stressing about your weight, stressing about your spouse, and fretting over your kids. Or stressing about your kids.
(You get choose the right word that best fits the moment.)
I know your boss demands more of you, your pastor asks more of you, and God wants ALL of you.
I know.
But I also know you.
The Seasons of Life
I’ve been thinking about the seasons lately. You know, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. But I’ve been thinking about these seasons with regards to life, business, health, and spiritually.
What season are you in right now spiritually?
What season are you in for your job, business, or career?
What season is your health in?
How about life in general? Are you in the heat of Summer, or the depression of Winter?
Which season are you in…overall?
Maybe your season right now is the Fall.
Fall is that time of the year when things are beginning to slow down, when the leaves are changing color, falling to the ground, when you’ve said “Adios!” to Summer.
Maybe you’re in the Fall right now. The warmth, fire, and joy of Summer is behind you. You’ve been slowing down lately. Maybe on purpose, but maybe you don’t even realize it.
Maybe you haven’t exercised or worked out in a few weeks or a few months.
Fall is a dangerous time in life, because it’s not as good as it once was, and Winter is just around the corner.
If you’re in a Fall season in life, business, health, spiritually, or in your relationships….be careful!
The only thing worse than Fall is Winter.
Winter is cold, dreary, and depressing. If you’re life or business or spiritual fervor is best described as “Winter” at the moment, you need help, and fast!
You need friends and people and workout buddies and counseling, and the Lord. You need to read the Bible, to fall back in love with God, and to remember what Summer was like.
If your business or career or health is currently in Winter-mode, do something about it. Hibernation is no place for the entrepreneur. Leafless trees, dead grass, frost bite. That is Winter, and if you’re in that season right now…you need Springtime more than anything else!
Get up!
Spring is a happy time.
The leaves are coming back, the air is crisp and fresh, and the red-breasted Robin is a harbinger of better things to come.
Spring means winter is over, and that’s a good thing. Especially if you were in the Winter spiritually, relationally, or entrepreneurially.
Spring means you have a plan, that you know where you want to go, where you need to go, and that enough is enough! You’re going to do what needs to be done to get there!
Hellooooo Spring!
Spiritually, Spring is a mighty time in life. The Bible is coming alive for you again, church is fun, the pastor’s sermons are talking to you (Amen!), and you’ve remembered that God loves you and he’s still sitting on the throne.
Spring is a great time for business. The dead of Winter is gone, you’re rounding the corner and you see the light at the end of the tunnel. You know what your business needs and so you go for it! Everything is clicking, your energy has returned, and you have a new love for what you’re putting your hands to.
One of the best parts about Spring is that it soon moves into Summer.
Summer is the best. Ah…sweet Summer.
It’s that time of the year to enjoy creation, enjoy vacations, and just…well…enjoy.
Summer is a great place to be at in life, in business, in health, in relationships, and spiritually too.
Summer means that everything is as it should be, as it ought to be, and you don’t want to stop. You’re on fire for the Lord, you love your spouse, exercise and nutrition is fun–not burdensome, and you can’t wait to wake up to do work.
Summer puts the smile on your face, the wind at your back, and the dollars in your pocket.
Summer is good.
But…oh!…please be careful, because if you’re not watchful, you’ll slip right back into Fall all over again.
Don’t let it happen!
What season of life are you in?
I know.
I know you.
I know that your seasons are different than my seasons…but what are yours?
What season are you in spiritually?
What season are you in maritally?
What season are you in health-wise?
What season are you in entrepreneurially?
And, once you figure out which season you are in, do everything you can to get to Summer.
And then stay there.
Thank you for reminding me of seasons. It helps to undersdand why things are changing and where to start focusing on.